Digital Marketing Vs Traditional Marketing : What to Choose?

The importance of marketing to achieve sales cannot be overstated for any type of company, whether small or large. Today, marketing is necessary to increase the company’s sales with sustainable money spending. A big question for marketers is whether they should spend it on digital marketing or traditional marketing.

As an experienced & leadingdigital marketing agency in India, we help you decide which marketing is best through thisDigital Marketing Vs Traditional Marketingblog.

What is Digital Marketing?

Digital Marketing refers to the marketing of products and services using digital technologies such as the internet, mobile devices, desktop and laptop computers and various other digital media.

For example, you have a clothing brand, so you go with a website to market your products on an online platform.

Forms of Digital Marketing

hat includes Digital Marketing Services?

  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
  • SMO (Social Media Optimization)
  • SMM (Social Media Marketing)
  • SEM (Search Engine Marketing)
  • Email Marketing

Digital Advertising:

  • PPC (Pay Per Click)
  • Social Media Ads and much more online marketing ways

Data Analysis

  • Google Analytics
  • Search Console

What is Traditional Marketing?

Generally, Traditional Marketing refers to the marketing of products in the offline market through printing, broadcasting, announcements, door to door marketing, etc.

Suppose you want to advertise your beauty care brand offline, so you have to run or print your product’s ads on T.V. and in Newspapers or go door to door to sell them.

Forms of Traditional Marketing

Traditional Marketing includes:

  • Broadcasting Channels
  • Television
  • Print Media
  • Radio
  • Newspaper
  • Pamphlets
  • Door to Door Marketing
  • Bill Boards and many offline marketing ways

Digital MarketingVsTraditional Marketing

There are many differences between digital marketing and traditional marketing; some of them are the following:


A global and specific audience can be reached through digital marketing because the channels to attract consumers are more easily accessible to users globally.

Whereas in traditional marketing, we can reach a higher audience but not as specific as indigital marketingbecause of the viewing system of the T.V or radio channels across the world.


Money consumption is always an issue in marketing. Companies are confused about how to spend their capital on advertisements or promotion of their products or services.

Prices vary in digital marketing but in a reasonable way. You can also set your minimum advertising amount and change the amount limit at any point in time, even between the running campaign.

On the other hand, in traditional marketing, prices are very high. You cannot change the amount in between the campaign, there are many limitations by the channels that you have to follow, and there is a lot of paperwork and many more things to do.

That’s why as the best digital marketing company Flexpixel unlocks your way to go digital to market and sell your products or services.

Real-time Data Analysis

Data Analysis is very important for any company to measure their growth and downfall because of analytics access, the company can make the brand strong and competitive. The difference between traditional and digital marketing with aspect to data analysis is following:

In Traditional Marketing, we can’t measure real-time information about how is our marketing campaign going. So instead, we only get the post-campaign data, depending on the T.V channel’s TRP or radio channel’s listening to popularity.

But in Digital Marketing, we can measure the real-time data about our advertising or marketing campaign. Then, we can analyze it with the help of different analytics tools.

Consumer Interaction

According to SalesForce, a US-based cloud software company, 89% of consumers expect real-time interaction with the companies, which is also mentioned in Business Today Magazine. Therefore, customer interaction is very much important to find out their behaviour towards the products or services that they are happy with that or not.

Digital Marketing allows companies to interact with their audience through emails, social media, website assistance, etc.
But in Traditional Marketing, customer interaction has a very small space in marketing. A Company has to run a separate offline campaign to communicate with the users or consumers.

In Flexpixel, experienced customer executives are always ready to solve consumers’ problems. Being a top-notchdigital marketing agency in India, we care about your queries and problems and always try to give our best to you.

There are many other differences between traditional and digital marketing.

Digital Marketing or Traditional Marketing – What to choose?

If we talk about stats:

According to Yahoo Finance, Digital Market to grow from $521.5 billion in 2021 to $1247.5 billion by 2026.

According to Economic Times, most of India’s $1.1 trillion in overall economic growth over the next 11 years can be attributed to auxiliary digital asset-related enterprises that have yet to be established.

Being the oldest form of marketing, Conventional Marketing or traditional marketing will never die until the marketing is there. You have seen many big companies promoting their brand or services or products on T.V, in newspapers, radio, etc.

No doubt traditional marketing is an effective way to promote your brand but there are many limitations as we discussed above.

To avoid these issues, digital marketing is there where you use an online platform to showcase your brand, experience the latest technologies to market your products and services, use different tools to measure the company’s growth, and live interaction with the audience.


PixeMatrix is the one-stop solution for every digital problem. Our digital marketing services are very cost-effective, accurate, and on time and as the best digital marketing company, we have unique ways to increase your brand’s growth and stability.

Contact us to get the best affordable digital marketing services and take your brand to the next level in this competitive world.

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